ARCANUM-9 (2022)
8ft x 7ft x 3in
A 3 dimensional wood installation with remote controlled LED lighting, hand cut and sanded wood decals, acrylic paint, wall texture, and aluminum framing.
Total weight of the piece is 150-200lbs.
We will be able to help and communicate about the installation process after purchase.
In an infinitesimal moment, a stripping away of the body occurred as we passed through the Event Horizon. A remembrance of being overcomes one as you are birthed from an entirely new womb. Eternity itself slips past your eyes, only leaving you with the smell of nostalgia for humanity. A deep breath in…somehow you still feel your lungs…that feeling of life becomes inseparable from death. As we continue our dissolution into the Event Horizon, falling deeper towards the singularity that is simply blinding with light, we realize we have come back to the place we always wanted to run away from…ourselves. We are left in a forever quickening sand of time, slipping and expanding simultaneously, with one last thought in our consciousness; Who am I?
As we dissolved into the ocean of existence, vibrations of deepening levels begin to ripple the soul. An unfathomable acceptance swallows us whole and at once we cross the singularity. Our journey through the singularity is unlike anything we can describe. As our question melds our two separate beings, once humans, we hear a whisper from deep within. “ANIMUS,” it softly sings into the heart of our inseparable being to a rhythm that tied our unique individual frequency in a resonance that turned our once flesh and bone, into golden veins and carbon black homes.
Stepping out as seamlessly as we slipped in, we exited the Event Horizon. Our merging now gave us an entirely new paradigm to exist within as our souls created an entire entity of its own. This oversoul creates a telepathic communication, giving us a flow around our newfound bodies that harmonize in ethereal tones. As we look to each other, an atmosphere that glows of brooding crimson reflects in the mirror of our crystalline iris’s. In that exact moment, a booming voice calls to us, “ARCANUM-9.”
With a deep inhalation, we remember exactly who we are;
We are GOLDENBLACK, pioneers of the soul and travelers of far unseen realms.
Starting Bid $20,000
30% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.