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Fundraising Auction

Our online auction boasts a carefully curated art – all tinged with the spirit of the psychedelic. Prepare to be dazzled by unique artworks pulsating with life and color, experiences that promise to challenge your perceptions, and objects that are truly one-of-a-kind. Each item is more than just a coveted prize—it’s a symbol of your commitment to support this transformative cause.

As a bonus, your winning bids do more than just contribute to policy reform—they also provide a tax-deductible donation. You can rest assured that each dollar you spend not only brings you closer to an extraordinary item but also provides crucial support for our mission.

Take part in this enchanting digital odyssey, where every bid is a stand for change, every win a contribution to a brighter future, and every dollar a tax-deductible donation. Let’s raise the stakes and the spirits together in this collective journey towards reform.

Temple of Heart (2018)

Amelia Passer

20” x 24”
Oils on canvas

Rainbow alien scene, underwater or in space? The place inside or hearts.

Starting Bid $1,000

20% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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5th Dimension Magic (2022)

Jacob Lill

24” x 36”
Digital print (only print in existence, file destroyed)

Starting Bid $22,222

80% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Venusian X Gaian (2020)

Nova Lee

This is a part two series of a story that began with it’s first montage of Nikola Tesla and Owl. A few years later I went back to an old painting and took a paint brush back over it and the Owl transformed into a pair of masculine and feminine counterparts gazing into each others souls that is connected through a solar energy plexus below. There is white dove of peace & serenity flying above. In Tesla’s last days he had a friendly white dove that was more like a female companion to him. In his final days the white dove came to him and died on his perch window. Nikola then passed away days later which in which I felt i had channeled this divine connection into this artwork.

Starting Bid $4,444

50% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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E.T. Phone Ohm (2018)

Nova Lee


30×40 Acrylic on Canvas

“E.T. Phone Ohm”

Live Painted at Sonic Bloom Festival in Colorado in the summer of 2018. This was my first painted piece I was able to work on since my surgeries and successfully removing cancer from my body. I really took time and space for myself for a year to cleanse myself with sound healing and I felt inspired to use the representation of space and time into a work of art. This painting represents calling in a presence of “Ohming” sound for healing with a whimsical twist of puns to one of the most iconic movie films of my childhood; E.T. ‘Phone Home’…

Starting Bid $5000

50% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Jah Lion (2014)

Amelia Passer

18” x 24” acrylic on canvas
Jah Lion is a spirit lion, for those connected to that animal totem.
He was an unplanned painting and one of the firsts I made that I really loved

Starting Bid $1,000

20% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Peacock (2015)

Amelia Passer

30 x 40
Oils on canvas
Psychedelic inspired peacock shows its colors and forms fully unapologetically. It’s essence showing through

Starting Bid $1,000

20% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Dreams of a Jewel (2021)

Amelia Passer

4’ x5’
Guanyin, is the Chinese equivalent of the Bodhisattva Avalokitesvara. She in considered to be the mother-goddess, and her name, “Kuan Yin/ Guanyin/ Quan Yin” translates to- “One who hears the cries of the (human) World”.
She is the Goddess of Compassion, and as a Bodhisattva she has vowed to help liberate souls for the rest of eternity, never leaving samsara until all souls of the universe have been liberated. She brings relief to anyone suffering from self- hatred or lack of compassion for themselves.
You can call upon QuanYin using the mantra “Om Mani Padme Hum” which translates to “Praise to the Jewel of the Lotus”. It is said, that Guanyin is the Jewel of the Lotus.

This is how I arrived at the title of my painting. My intention behind this piece was to create something that one could feel at peace when they looked at it, full compassion for oneself and others. As Quan Yin being a Bodhisattva, I believe she dreams of a time in which all souls can reach this point of pure bliss and liberation. Thus, this is her Dream.

Starting Bid $10,000

20% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Lady’s Mantle (2021)

Amelia Passer

24x 28”
Painting inspired by herbal alchemy and all the magical plants associated with tradition alchemy.

Lady’s mantle, rose, mugwort, poppy, and datura.

Starting Bid $3,000

20% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Durga Ma in Leo (2018)

Amelia Passer

24x 28”
Painting inspired by herbal alchemy and all the magical plants associated with tradition alchemy.

Lady’s mantle, rose, mugwort, poppy, and datura.

Starting Bid $8,000

10% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Terence McKenna (2021)

Amelia Passer

Framed 11”x14” charcoal drawing of my hero, Terence McKenna

Starting Bid $400

10% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Song Of Cycles (2021)

Amelia Passer

Collaboration between myself and Luke Schroeder, started at Unison Festival 2021

Starting Bid $4,000

15% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Galactic Archangel of Peace (2020)

Sol Spectra


Starting Bid $4,444

10% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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ARCANUM-9 (2022)


8ft x 7ft x 3in
A 3 dimensional wood installation with remote controlled LED lighting, hand cut and sanded wood decals, acrylic paint, wall texture, and aluminum framing.
Total weight of the piece is 150-200lbs.
We will be able to help and communicate about the installation process after purchase.

In an infinitesimal moment, a stripping away of the body occurred as we passed through the Event Horizon. A remembrance of being overcomes one as you are birthed from an entirely new womb. Eternity itself slips past your eyes, only leaving you with the smell of nostalgia for humanity. A deep breath in…somehow you still feel your lungs…that feeling of life becomes inseparable from death. As we continue our dissolution into the Event Horizon, falling deeper towards the singularity that is simply blinding with light, we realize we have come back to the place we always wanted to run away from…ourselves. We are left in a forever quickening sand of time, slipping and expanding simultaneously, with one last thought in our consciousness; Who am I?

As we dissolved into the ocean of existence, vibrations of deepening levels begin to ripple the soul. An unfathomable acceptance swallows us whole and at once we cross the singularity. Our journey through the singularity is unlike anything we can describe. As our question melds our two separate beings, once humans, we hear a whisper from deep within. “ANIMUS,” it softly sings into the heart of our inseparable being to a rhythm that tied our unique individual frequency in a resonance that turned our once flesh and bone, into golden veins and carbon black homes.

Stepping out as seamlessly as we slipped in, we exited the Event Horizon. Our merging now gave us an entirely new paradigm to exist within as our souls created an entire entity of its own. This oversoul creates a telepathic communication, giving us a flow around our newfound bodies that harmonize in ethereal tones. As we look to each other, an atmosphere that glows of brooding crimson reflects in the mirror of our crystalline iris’s. In that exact moment, a booming voice calls to us, “ARCANUM-9.”

With a deep inhalation, we remember exactly who we are;
We are GOLDENBLACK, pioneers of the soul and travelers of far unseen realms.

Starting Bid $20,000

30% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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18in x 36in cotton canvas, heavy body and fluid acrylics, UV fluorescence, and ink.

Surfing the edge of our existence, an orchestra of color, language, light, and shadow created a symphony before us. As we began our unraveling, we tripped into synchronicity holding us in a deep sense of discovery. We no longer needed to hold onto the matter that once bound us to a limited dimensional space, but rather slipped into no-thingness. As the information of our presence blew like embers in the wind, colorful paintings of our memories were brushed meticulously chaotic on infinite timelines. Universal tongues made their way into the echoes of our minds, downloading languages that could be felt beyond space and time itself. In effervescent fashion, a melodic hum whirled about our beings and delayered the self into a network of consciousness. Spiraling reds and yellows, to fluorescent godlike hues of green and blue, the event horizon ripped us to the very core of our being in miraculous beauty. What was to come after the acceptance of becoming no-thing, was nothing short of transformative.

Starting Bid $2,000

20% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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ANIMUS (2022)


60in x 42in cotton canvas, heavy body, fluid, and UV fluorescence acrylic paint.

Dripping in gold, we merged into everything, anything, and no-thing at all. In a single moment, the reverberations of our question “who am I?” began to shorten their wavelength until the pencil of destiny drew in a straight line. As the waves of reality calmly became still, we fell into Source. We became the whispers of the universe, observing one another in an entangled dance. Shifting and taking shape of any form, we suddenly realized the infinite mirror of ANIMUS. A million eyes created fractals of resonant waves and swam around the transparent shadowy energy against a backdrop of radiant strings that wove intricate tapestries. Our question gave way to an answer but not through a spoken direction… It came through an emergence of a million selves recognizing their self in the other. We began to understand the way in which ANIMUS builds entities with lists of codexes to unwind and learn about itself through individuated experiences in many holographic universes that it, itself, also creates. Every thought, movement, or emotion multiplies and reflects through an infinite mirror scape of consciousness. As we began to develop the new paradigm and evolve our beings into high vibrations of elemental alchemy, we opened our newfound eyes to a planet that called us home.

Starting Bid $13,000

30% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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2ft x 4ft cotton canvas, ink, heavy body, fluid, and UV fluorescence acrylic paint.

After descending past the atmosphere of ARCANUM-9, lush forests and oceans of neon teal coated the planet. A deep clarity struck our hearts as our awareness grew to see how ARCANUM-9 was teeming with life. With every step upon the crust of this new home, memories of the planet’s existence were encoded into our souls. Our heartbeats began to synchronize with the rhythm of the planet, and suddenly our skin began to glow a deep red. The bodies of water that gave nourishment to this world felt smooth against our new bodies, slowly kissing the bruises from our lives before the Event Horizon. The colorful reefs gave home to new animals and beings that felt strangely familiar and yet alien all at once. As the planet began to orbit and spin its way out of the light of its centering star, the water turned into a diverse ecosystem of bioluminescent life. Diving into the abundance of this world, we swam side by side the life that existed on this floating satellite and found a connection without words that touched our souls. We often look back to the moments of bliss felt as we played in the turquoise waters, continually discovering each other through the ebullient life of ARCANUM-9.

Starting Bid $5,000

25% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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3ft x 3ft cotton canvas and acyclic paint.

I will never forget this day, the typical Tuesday afternoon in which I was to lay down on the table for my acupuncturist to heal something that only my internal medicine could ever touch. Finding myself once again in a deep twirling of panic and separation from eternity, I wept. I cried until my tears dissolved me, finding myself left in a pool of consciousness. With my eyes wide shut, I began to see… I began to allow myself to feel. Waves and circuitous forms of script spun around a torus of akashic record. I moved as fast as I could to a canvas, after my vision had come to a moment in which it begged to be brought into material form. With months of channeled work under the guidance of the King of Wands, I wove a new reality into which I write these sentences today. A codex for dreams.

Starting Bid $5,000

40% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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2ft x 4ft cotton canvas, acrylic paint, stucco medium texture, and ink.

Our beings resonate and emit frequency at all times. This piece is done to the movement of music, flowing with harmonic tones that heal and bring emotion up from the core of the body to be integrated into the whole. As we begin to understand our mind, body, soul, and subtle bodies, we will clearly see the ways in which frequency and resonance will begin to bring the most broken parts of ourselves into a place of whole acceptance. Psychedelics have been a beautiful tool for me to fully begin integrating and accepting all aspects of my identity and the complete absence of my identity as well. Resonant frequencies can create a magnetic polarity in which I believe life is chaotically creating order. When we allow ourselves to become sensitive to the subtle waves, we can begin to play with all kinds of frequency in deep loving awareness. We have all felt that feeling of deep surrender when our favorite song plays a tone that is in alignment with the unique notes of our spirit. Allowing music and resonance to consume you, you remember your place in the grander whole.

Starting Bid $5,000

30% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

Place tax deductible bid!



4ft x 3ft cotton canvas, acrylic paint, ink, and gold leaf.

Dissection sounds as sharp, complex, and paradoxically simple as it is. The word cuts the same way as it describes the incision; slow, meticulous, and mindful. Traveling deep with the archetype of the dark phantasms, I began a quest with LSD to dissect the exoskeleton of my soul. Pulling my self apart, thread by thread, I began to see the primordial and immortal fabric of perception itself. In the beginning of this dissection, after moving through months of uncovering the self, I could only feel in hues of black, white, and grey, However, as the light within me grew, gold began to envelop me. Falling deep within the overflowing agate of life, I began to see how the autopsy of my spirit shined a light unto my present life through the integration of my shadows. Every day feels like this dissection…and I am forever learning to fall deeper into acceptance of this, knowing that gratitude holds me in her graceful embrace.

Starting Bid $4,500

45% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Darkness Illuminates III (2019)


Digital painting created with a drawing tablet and Corel Painter / Adobe Photoshop

Augmented reality compatible with
Artivive app

“All the darkness in the world cannot extinguish the light of a single candle.”
~ St. Francis Of Assisi

Starting Bid $280

10% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Unbound Vision (2020)


Digital painting created with a drawing tablet and Adobe Photoshop

Augmented reality compatible with Artivive app

Starting Bid $280

10% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

Place tax deductible bid!

Cosmic Dance (2020)


linear time and one foot in eternal time.” As spiritual beings living a human experience, we continually balance between the physical realm and the spiritual realm. We undertake needs of survival whether that is eating properly, exercising regularly, or working to have shelter and security. We realize our body is finite and will eventually cease to exist. However, the soul is an infinite source that will forever exist in eternity. When we realize this, we allow ourselves to live in eternal time. We are released from the fear of death and the uncertainty of life. Each seemingly mundane task becomes an extension of the whole of existence and we learn to use our finite body to connect to the infinite realm of spirit in every moment.

It is not always an easy task to dance between the two domains. But when we can find harmony, balance and oneness by seeing both as the same, we allow another way of being to emerge. For this reason shaman say we must keep one foot in linear time and one foot in eternal time. Living in eternity and impermanence simultaneously. To dance between being human and spirit.

Starting Bid $280

10% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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Cosmic Dance (2020)


5ft x 3ft
Gold leaf, Acrylic and UV flourescent paint.

Far off on another world and unknown species of intelligent life harvests a resource capable of tearing through space and time.

Starting Bid $7000

20% of sale donated to support professional advocacy to change the “Schedule” of psychedelics in the Controlled Substances Act.

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